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Electrosteel Jal Sevak Samman 2024 Honours The Water Warriors

Electrosteel Castings Ltd, one of the leading water infrastructure companies and pipeline solutions providers, hosted the second edition of their much-awaited award ceremony, Electrosteel Jal Sevak Samman 2024 which honours individuals and institutions working in the water space. The glittering award ceremony was held in the august presence of Chief Guest, Mr. G Asok Kumar, Director General, National Mission for Clean Ganga (NMCG) “Namami-Gange" in the rank of Secretary to the Government of India, Former Additional Secretary & Mission Director, National Water Mission, Government of India who is also known as ‘The Rain Man of India’ and Guest of Honor, Padmashri Uma Shankar Pandey, popularly known as ‘Pani Ke Pehredar’ in the villages of Uttar Pradesh for his initiative in groundwater contribution, and Mr. Subhaprasanna Bhattacharjee, Renowned Painter from Kolkata along with other eminent dignitaries like industry leaders, environmental advocates, and community members.

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