Producer Pritish Nandy, known for his work in the film industry, has passed away. His death was confirmed by actor Anupam Kher, who shared the news on social media, paying tribute to his late friend and colleague. Nandy, a prominent figure in the industry, was responsible for producing several successful films, Jhankaar Beats (2003), Mumbai Matinee (2003), Chameli (2004), Popcorn Khao! Mast Ho Jao (2004), Shabd (2005), Hazaaron Khwaishein Aisi (2005), Ek Khiladi Ek Haseena (2005), Ankahee (2006), Pyaar Ke Side Effects (2006), and Bow Barracks Forever (2006). He was widely regarded for his creative vision and contributions to the world of entertainment. Pritish Nandy’s son, filmmaker Kushan Nandy, confirmed that his father passed away from a cardiac arrest at his South Mumbai home.
Anupam Kher wrote, “Deeply deeply saddened and shocked to know about the demise of one of my dearest and closest friends #PritishNandy! Amazing poet, writer, filmmaker and a brave and unique editor/journalist! He was my support system and a great source of strength in my initial days in Mumbai. We shared lots of things in common. He was also one of the most fearless people I had come across. Always Larger than life. I learnt so many things from him. Off-late we didn’t meet much. But there was a time when we were inseparable! I will never forget when he surprised me by putting me on the cover of Filmfare and more importantly #TheIllustratedWeelky. He was the true definition of यारों का यार! I will miss you and our times together my friend. Rest well. 💔💔💔#HeartBroken.”
Born on January 15, 1951, in Bhagalpur, Bihar, Nandy was a well-known figure in multiple fields. He served as a Rajya Sabha member from 1998 to 2004, representing the Shiv Sena party.