Chandni Chowk Fire: A massive fire broke out in a shop in Chandni Chowk area of north Delhi on Thursday, officials of the Delhi Fire Services said. No one was reported hurt as yet. "A call related to the fire was received at 5 pm from Chandni Chowk area. The fire was in Marwadi Katra, Nai Sadak in Chandani Chowk," DFS chief Atul Garg said.
He said initially 14 fire tenders were rushed to the spot, but later 16 more tenders pressed into service. "Our teams were working at the site and trying to douse the flames. The fire is massive and the operation may take more time to douse the flames completely. So far, we have not received of any injury to anyone," Garg said.
A BJP spokesperson said that the fire started from Marwadi Katra market which was spread to Anil Market. They said a building at back side of the market has collapsed due to fire and water pressure. Further details are awaited