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Understanding the Woman's Plea to Hamas Militants

Insights into Kidnapped Woman's Message to Militants

war” in Israel between the Hamas militants and the Israeli forces, shocking videos are coming to light that show people being taken as hostages. In one such video surfaced on the internet, a woman, Noa Argamani, was seen pleading for her life as Hamas militants manhandled her. A user posting the video on X wrote, “Noa was partying in the south of Israel in a peace music festival when Hams terrorists kidnapped her and dragged her from Israel into Gaza. Noa is held hostage by Hamas. She could be your daughter, sister, friend.”

In the video, Noa screamed, "Don't kill me! No, no, no.” Her boyfriend Avi Nathan who went missing was seen being manhandled by the group. Nathan’s brother Moshe Or reported him as missing, the New York Post reported

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