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Viewer Feedback on Namita Dubey's Aspirants Role

New Delhi: With an IMDb rating of 9.2, Aspirants is a show that touched upon the hearts and minds of millions of Indians, who saw glimpses of their own journeys in the compelling characters. A TVF original drama that was released two years ago, Aspirants caused a revolution in the streaming space with its rooted storyline, relatable characters and stories that felt like a reflection of the life and aspirations of an ordinary man. As Abhilash, Guri and SK’s ‘tripod’ friendship and Sandeep Bhaiyya’s profound pieces of advice became part of the pop culture, fans waited for a new season with bated breaths

With the show recording all the love and appreciation from the viewers , actress Namita Dubey, who plays the part of Dhairya, an ambitious and honest IAS Aspirant turned social worker, opened up about her journey to landing the role and her love for her character. “I was meant to do this show. I would’ve been a third-generation; my father is an IAS officer, and my grandfather is an IAS. Dhairya’s character does social work; she works in an NGO. I have a degree in Social Work, and also she is working with substance abuse. I have worked with street kids as well. I am thankful Naveen pushed me to audition for this role.”

Namita also revealed how she relates with Dhairya in real life, “I have seriously been drawing parallels between Dhairya and me. Dhairya is extremely calm, she is one of the best versions of me. We’re so similar yet so different in many ways. So, I think it was my destiny to play this role. But the fact that this show became what it was has many variables coming together. Everyone was passionate about this show, and everything worked out, from the script to the music and characters. I feel extremely fortunate for this role, and I feel like I will be Dhairya for the rest of my life!

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