Kannada superstar Yash, who gained nationwide fame for his portrayal of 'Rocky Bhai' in the KGF films, is now looking to take his upcoming film Toxic to the global stage. According to reports, the actor and his producer partners at KVN Productions are in discussions with 20th Century Fox to secure international distribution rights for the gangster drama.
Toxic's team is discussing the film's international distribution with American film production and distribution company, 20th Century Fox. A source told Pinkvilla, "The discussions are in very nascent stages but the intent is to make Toxic a global project. Yash strongly believes that the story-telling pattern and visuals of Toxic are right up there with international projects and is exploring the possibilities of partnering with a global giant for a massive release."
While 20th Century Fox appears to be leading the race, conversations are also underway with other potential partners. A clearer picture regarding the international distribution is expected to emerge mid-year.
The film's scale and Yash's growing global appeal has already generated significant buzz among fans and industry insiders alike. "Yash and Geetu Mohandas are aiming to bring Toxic to the big screen in December 2025. The exact date is undecided and the makers will take a call once the shoot is closer to conclusion," a source told the portal.
Toxic, currently under production, is one of the most anticipated films of 2025. The actioner, directed by Geetu Mohandas, is set in the post-Independence era and goes with the tagline, 'A fairytale for grown-ups'. The film will be released in multiple languages, including Kannada, Hindi, Telugu, Tamil, and Malayalam, among others.
Recently, Yash spoke about Toxic at an event. When asked for an update on the film, Yash assured fans that he's working on it and will share an update soon.
Toxic: A Fairy Tale for Grown-Ups is written and directed by Geetu Mohandas and jointly produced by KVN Productions and Yash's Monster Mind Creations. The film has been postponed from its original release date in April 2025. Yash is also a part of the much-awaited Ramayana, directed by Nitesh Tiwari. The ambitious project features Ranbir Kapoor, Sai Pallavi, and Sunny Deol, and is slated for a Diwali 2026 release.