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What Is the 'Everyone for Everyone' Deal?

Meirav Leshem Gonen, mother of Romi Gonen, who was kidnapped from the Supernova dance festival on Sunday said that families would consider a deal based on ‘everyone for everyone’ principle, news agency CNN reported.

“We spoke bluntly and made it clear to the prime minister in no uncertain terms that a comprehensive deal based on the ‘everyone for everyone’ principle is a deal the families would consider, and has the support of all of Israel,” Meirav Leshem Gonen was quoted as saying by CNN.

She was speaking on behalf of the families in a news conference following the meeting with the Israeli Prime Minister.

Embattled Israel PM Netanyahu did not elaborate if such a deal would be the path he would opt for to free the hostages but acknowledged he discussed the option with the families.

“I think that elaborating on this will not help achieve our goal. In the meeting with the families, I felt emotionally helpless,” Netanyahu said.

What Is An “Everyone for Everyone” Deal?

An “everyone for everyone” deal, if agreed upon, would see the release of 200 hostages from Israel being held in Gaza returned in exchange for Palestinians currently held in Israeli prisons. The nongovernmental organisation (NGO) Palestinian Prisoners Club (PPC) estimates 6,630 people are currently held in Israeli prisons.

Hamas on Saturday released a statement and indicated that the terrorist group will engage in such a trade but the CNN reported that such a deal would be a huge controversy in Israel, especially after some Palestinians, who were affiliated with Hamas, were responsible for the October 7 attacks on Israel and were among those who were released earlier in similar situations.

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